¿Por qué me sigue la luna? Y otras preguntas raras que hago a veces / Why is the Moon Following Me? And Other Rare Questions I Sometimes Ask is a science book for children by Gabriel León, a Chilean biologist and science communicator. The book follows the adventures of Pachi, a curious boy who loves to ask questions about the universe and everything around him. With the help of his dad and his dog Lukás, Pachi explores topics such as why the moon seems to follow us, why the planets are round, why the stars twinkle, and many more. The book is written in a simple and engaging way, with illustrations, experiments, and fun facts that make science accessible and enjoyable for young readers. The book also includes a glossary of scientific terms and a list of recommended websites and books for further learning.
The book is a great way to spark children’s interest in science and encourage them to ask their own questions and seek answers. The book is suitable for children aged 6 to 10, and can be read independently or with an adult. The book is also bilingual, with the text in Spanish and English, which can help children learn a new language or practice their skills. The book is part of a series of science books for children by Gabriel León, which include ¿Qué le pasa a mi cabello? (What’s Happening to My Hair?) and ¿Qué son los colores? (What Are Colors?).
The book is a fun and educational read that will inspire children to discover the wonders of science and the world around them. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes to learn new things and have fun at the same time. I hope you enjoyed this book review. 😊
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