El Arte en Bilbao (Art in Bilbao)
Standards Addressed:
Communication Standard 1.2: Learner understands, interprets, and analyzes what is heard, read, or viewed on a variety of topics.
Culture Standard 2.1: Learner uses the language to investigate, explain, and reflect on the relationship between artistic practices and cultural perspectives.
Connections Standard 3.1: Learner builds, reinforces, and expands knowledge of the arts while using Spanish.
Comparisons Standard 4.2: Learner uses Spanish to investigate and reflect on the concept of artistic expression across cultures.
Learning Objectives
By the end of this activity, students will be able to:
Identify key features of the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao
Understand basic facts about modern Spanish art
Use Spanish vocabulary related to art and architecture
Create a digital art gallery presentation
The Artistic Revolution of Bilbao
Bilbao was once an industrial city in northern Spain. Everything changed in 1997 when the Guggenheim Museum opened. The building itself is a piece of art! Designed by Frank Gehry, it looks like a giant ship made of titanium and glass, sparkling next to the Nervión River.
The museum transformed Bilbao into one of Europe's most exciting cities for art. The building's unique design features:
Curved titanium walls that change color with the sunlight
Glass walls that let natural light inside
A giant flower-shaped sculpture of a puppy made of living plants
Modern art installations that change throughout the year
Outside the museum, Bilbao has more art:
"Maman" - a giant spider sculpture by Louise Bourgeois
Street art and murals in the old town
Traditional Basque crafts in local markets
Modern sculptures along the riverside walk
People now visit Bilbao from all over the world to see how art changed the city. This has inspired other cities to use art and architecture to make their communities better.
Comprehension Questions (Answer in Spanish)
¿En qué año abrió el museo Guggenheim? (When did the Guggenheim Museum open?)
¿De qué está hecho el edificio? (What is the building made of?)
¿Qué forma tiene la escultura del perro? (What shape is the dog sculpture?)
¿Qué hay fuera del museo? (What is outside the museum?)
Short Essay Question (Choose one to answer in Spanish, minimum 3 sentences)
Describe tu obra de arte favorita del museo. ¿Por qué te gusta? (Describe your favorite artwork from the museum. Why do you like it?)
¿Cómo puede el arte cambiar una ciudad? (How can art change a city?)
Optional Technology Activity (DOK 3)
Create a Virtual Art Gallery
Using Google Jamboard:
Create a new Jamboard titled "Mi Galería de Arte de Bilbao"
Create at least 5 frames:
Frame 1: Museum exterior
Frame 2: Your favorite sculpture
Frame 3: A piece of street art
Frame 4: A traditional craft
Frame 5: Your own art inspired by Bilbao
For each frame:
Add an image
Write a description in Spanish
Include the artist's name (if known)
Add what materials were used
Present your virtual gallery through Google Classroom
Go Beyond
Explore more about Bilbao's art:
Virtual Tour of Guggenheim Bilbao: https://www.guggenheim-bilbao.eus/en/visit/virtual-tour
Bilbao Street Art Guide: https://www.bilbaoturismo.net/en/street-art
History of the Museum: https://www.guggenheim-bilbao.eus/en/the-building
museo = museum
arte = art
edificio = building
escultura = sculpture
artista = artist
cuadro = painting
galería = gallery
exposición = exhibition
titanio = titanium
vidrio = glass
luz = light
calle = street
Grading Rubric
4 (Exceeds Expectations)
Shows deep understanding of Bilbao's artistic transformation
Uses sophisticated Spanish art vocabulary appropriately
Creates detailed responses about architectural and artistic elements
Essay demonstrates thoughtful analysis of art's impact on cities
Virtual gallery (if chosen) shows exceptional creativity and research
Work reflects understanding of both traditional and modern Spanish art
3 (Meets Expectations)
Shows good understanding of Bilbao's art scene
Uses appropriate Spanish vocabulary related to art
Provides accurate information about museum and artworks
Essay shows clear comprehension with good examples
Virtual gallery (if chosen) includes all required elements
Work demonstrates good grasp of Spanish artistic expression
2 (Approaching Expectations)
Shows basic understanding of Bilbao's museum
Uses simple Spanish vocabulary with some errors
Includes basic information about artworks
Essay attempts to express ideas but lacks detail
Virtual gallery (if chosen) includes basic information
Work shows partial understanding of artistic concepts
1 (Below Expectations)
Shows minimal understanding of art concepts
Uses very limited Spanish vocabulary with major errors
Information about artworks is incomplete or incorrect
Essay is brief and lacks understanding
Virtual gallery (if chosen) is missing key elements
Shows limited comprehension of material
0 (No Evidence)
No work submitted
Responses are in English rather than Spanish
Shows no understanding of art concepts
Virtual gallery not attempted
No evidence of engagement with material.
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