Las Fiestas de Sevilla (The Festivals of Seville)
Standards Addressed:
Communication Standard 1.2: Learner understands, interprets, and analyzes what is heard, read, or viewed on a variety of topics.
Culture Standard 2.1: Learner uses the language to investigate, explain, and reflect on the relationship between cultural practices and perspectives.
Connections Standard 3.1: Learner builds, reinforces, and expands knowledge of cultural traditions while using Spanish.
Comparisons Standard 4.2: Learner uses Spanish to investigate and reflect on customs and traditions across cultures.
Learning Objectives
By the end of this activity, students will be able to:
Identify major festivals and traditions in Seville
Understand basic customs of daily life in southern Spain
Use Spanish vocabulary related to celebrations and traditions
Create a digital presentation about Spanish festivals
Life and Celebrations in Seville
Seville, a city in southern Spain, is famous for its vibrant festivals and rich traditions. Two of the biggest celebrations are Semana Santa (Holy Week) in spring and the Feria de Abril (April Fair) two weeks later.
During Semana Santa, the city celebrates with:
Beautiful religious processions through the streets
Traditional music and singing
Special foods like torrijas (similar to French toast)
Colorful decorations on balconies and in squares
The Feria de Abril is completely different:
People wear traditional flamenco dresses and suits
Families and friends meet in casetas (special tents)
There's lots of dancing, especially sevillanas
Traditional food like pescaíto frito (fried fish) and rebujito (a special drink)
Daily life in Seville also has its own customs:
Late lunch (around 2:00-3:00 PM)
Siesta during the hot afternoon
Evening paseo (walk) with family and friends
Tapas with friends in outdoor cafés
Streets are cleaned with water every morning
These traditions make Seville unique and show how the city combines old customs with modern life.
Comprehension Questions (Answer in Spanish)
¿Cuáles son las dos fiestas importantes en Sevilla? (What are the two important festivals in Seville?)
¿Qué se come durante Semana Santa? (What do people eat during Holy Week?)
¿Qué llevan las personas en la Feria? (What do people wear at the Fair?)
¿A qué hora es el almuerzo en Sevilla? (What time is lunch in Seville?)
Short Essay Question (Choose one to answer in Spanish, minimum 3 sentences)
¿Qué festival te gustaría visitar en Sevilla? ¿Por qué? (Which festival would you like to visit in Seville? Why?)
Compara las tradiciones de tu ciudad con las de Sevilla. (Compare the traditions of your city with those of Seville.)
Optional Technology Activity (DOK 3)
Create a Digital Festival Guide
Using Google Slides:
Create a new presentation titled "Guía de Fiestas de Sevilla"
Create these slides:
Title slide with a festival image
Introduction to Seville's festivals
Semana Santa details and traditions
Feria de Abril activities and customs
Food and drinks at festivals
Your own festival design inspired by Seville
For each slide include:
Images representing the traditions
Spanish descriptions of activities
Times and dates of events
Traditional foods and customs
Share your festival guide through Google Classroom
Go Beyond
Learn more about Seville's traditions:
Virtual Tour of Feria:
Semana Santa Information:
Traditional Recipes:
fiesta = festival
tradición = tradition
celebración = celebration
baile = dance
comida = food
música = music
vestido = dress
procesión = procession
caseta = tent
costumbre = custom
almuerzo = lunch
paseo = walk
Grading Rubric
4 (Exceeds Expectations)
Demonstrates comprehensive understanding of Sevillian traditions
Uses rich Spanish vocabulary related to customs and celebrations
Creates detailed responses about festival activities and daily life
Essay shows deep cultural appreciation and thoughtful comparisons
Festival guide (if chosen) demonstrates extensive research and creativity
Work reflects understanding of both traditional and modern customs
3 (Meets Expectations)
Shows good understanding of Seville's main festivals
Uses appropriate Spanish vocabulary for traditions
Provides accurate information about customs
Essay includes clear cultural comparisons
Festival guide (if chosen) contains all required elements
Work demonstrates good grasp of cultural practices
2 (Approaching Expectations)
Shows basic understanding of festivals
Uses simple Spanish vocabulary with some errors
Includes basic information about traditions
Essay attempts comparisons but lacks detail
Festival guide (if chosen) includes basic information
Work shows partial understanding of customs
1 (Below Expectations)
Shows minimal understanding of traditions
Uses very limited Spanish vocabulary with major errors
Information about festivals is incomplete
Essay is brief and lacks cultural understanding
Festival guide (if chosen) is missing key elements
Shows limited comprehension of material
0 (No Evidence)
No work submitted
Responses are in English rather than Spanish
Shows no understanding of customs
Festival guide not attempted
No evidence of engagement with material
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