Spanish Cities - Nature

 Los Jardines de Valencia (The Gardens of Valencia)

Standards Addressed:

  • Communication Standard 1.2: Learner understands, interprets, and analyzes what is heard, read, or viewed on a variety of topics.

  • Culture Standard 2.1: Learner uses the language to investigate, explain, and reflect on the relationship between practices and perspectives of cultures.

  • Connections Standard 3.1: Learner builds, reinforces, and expands knowledge of other disciplines while using Spanish to learn about nature and science.

  • Comparisons Standard 4.2: Learner uses Spanish to investigate and reflect on the concept of urban nature through comparisons of environments.

Learning Objectives

By the end of this activity, students will be able to:

  • Identify common plants and animals in Spanish urban environments

  • Understand the importance of urban parks in Spanish cities

  • Use Spanish vocabulary related to nature and environment

  • Create a digital nature guide for a Spanish city park


The Green Heart of Valencia

Valencia is famous for something unique: it turned its old river into a garden! The Turia River used to flow through the city, but after a big flood in 1957, the city moved the river and created the Jardín del Turia (Turia Garden).

Today, this 9-kilometer garden is like a green snake winding through Valencia. It's the largest urban park in Spain! The garden has different zones with:

  • Orange trees (Valencia is famous for oranges!)

  • Palm trees and pine trees

  • Flowers of all colors

  • Ponds with ducks and fish

  • Areas for sports and games

  • Butterfly gardens

The park is home to many animals:

  • Birds: sparrows, pigeons, and parrots

  • Small mammals: squirrels and rabbits

  • Insects: butterflies, bees, and ladybugs

  • Pond life: fish, frogs, and turtles

Many Spanish cities are creating more green spaces like this to help the environment and give people places to enjoy nature.

Comprehension Questions (Answer in Spanish)

  1. ¿Qué era el Jardín del Turia antes? (What was the Turia Garden before?)

  2. ¿Cuántos kilómetros tiene el jardín? (How many kilometers is the garden?)

  3. ¿Qué tipo de árboles hay en el jardín? (What types of trees are in the garden?)

  4. ¿Qué animales viven en el parque? (What animals live in the park?)

Short Essay Question (Choose one to answer in Spanish, minimum 3 sentences)

  1. Describe tu zona favorita del Jardín del Turia. ¿Por qué te gusta? (Describe your favorite zone of the Turia Garden. Why do you like it?)

  2. ¿Por qué son importantes los parques en las ciudades? (Why are parks important in cities?)

Optional Technology Activity (DOK 3)

Create a Digital Nature Guide

Using Google Sites:

  1. Create a new Google Site titled "Guía Natural de Valencia"

  2. Create pages for:

    • Plants (Las Plantas)

    • Animals (Los Animales)

    • Activities (Las Actividades)

  3. On each page:

    • Add photos of plants/animals

    • Write descriptions in Spanish

    • Include interesting facts

    • Add location markers where visitors can find each item

  4. Share your nature guide through Google Classroom

Go Beyond

Explore more about Valencia's nature:


  • jardín = garden

  • río = river

  • árboles = trees

  • flores = flowers

  • animales = animals

  • pájaros = birds

  • mariposas = butterflies

  • peces = fish

  • estanque = pond

  • naturaleza = nature

  • verde = green

  • parque = park

Grading Rubric

4 (Exceeds Expectations)

  • Demonstrates comprehensive understanding of Valencia's urban nature

  • Uses rich Spanish vocabulary related to nature and environment

  • Creates detailed responses about plants, animals, and park features

  • Essay shows deep appreciation for urban nature and its importance

  • Digital nature guide (if chosen) includes extensive research and detailed Spanish descriptions

  • Work demonstrates understanding of environmental and cultural significance

3 (Meets Expectations)

  • Shows good understanding of Valencia's parks and gardens

  • Uses appropriate Spanish vocabulary for plants and animals

  • Provides accurate information about park features

  • Essay includes clear explanations with good detail

  • Digital nature guide (if chosen) contains all required elements

  • Work shows good grasp of urban nature's role

2 (Approaching Expectations)

  • Shows basic understanding of park features

  • Uses simple Spanish vocabulary with some errors

  • Includes basic information about plants and animals

  • Essay attempts to express ideas but lacks detail

  • Digital nature guide (if chosen) includes basic information

  • Work demonstrates partial understanding of topic

1 (Below Expectations)

  • Shows minimal understanding of urban nature

  • Uses very limited Spanish vocabulary with major errors

  • Information about plants and animals is incomplete

  • Essay is brief and lacks clear understanding

  • Digital nature guide (if chosen) is missing key elements

  • Shows limited comprehension of material

0 (No Evidence)

  • No work submitted

  • Responses are in English rather than Spanish

  • Shows no understanding of urban nature

  • Digital nature guide not attempted

  • No evidence of engagement with material

