Un Día en Madrid (A Day in Madrid)
Standards Addressed:
Communication Standard 1.2: Learner understands, interprets, and analyzes what is heard, read, or viewed on a variety of topics.
Culture Standard 2.1: Learner uses the language to investigate, explain, and reflect on the relationship between practices and perspectives of cultures.
Connections Standard 3.1: Learner builds, reinforces, and expands knowledge of other disciplines while using the language.
Comparisons Standard 4.2: Learner uses the language to investigate, explain, and reflect on the concept of culture through comparisons of cultures studied and their own.
Learning Objectives
By the end of this activity, students will be able to:
Identify key vocabulary related to city locations and activities
Comprehend a simple story about daily activities in Madrid
Express basic opinions about places and activities
Create a digital presentation about a Spanish city
Pre-Reading Activities (10 minutes)
Look at the image of Plaza Mayor above and discuss with a partner:
What type of place is this? (¿Qué tipo de lugar es este?)
What activities do you think people do here? (¿Qué actividades hacen las personas aquí?)
Does this remind you of any place in your city? (¿Te recuerda a algún lugar en tu ciudad?)
Story Text
Un Día en Madrid
María está feliz. Hoy visita Madrid con su familia. El cielo está azul y hace sol. María camina por la Plaza Mayor. La plaza es grande y bonita. Hay muchas personas. María ve restaurantes y cafés. Come una tortilla española y bebe agua. Después, visita el Parque del Retiro. El parque tiene un lago y muchos árboles. María toma fotos del Palacio de Cristal. Es un edificio hermoso de cristal. Al final del día, María dice: "¡Madrid es una ciudad maravillosa!"
English Translation: Maria is happy. Today she visits Madrid with her family. The sky is blue and sunny. Maria walks through Plaza Mayor. The plaza is big and beautiful. There are many people. Maria sees restaurants and cafes. She eats a Spanish omelet and drinks water. Later, she visits Retiro Park. The park has a lake and many trees. Maria takes photos of the Crystal Palace. It is a beautiful glass building. At the end of the day, Maria says: "Madrid is a wonderful city!"
Comprehension Questions (Answer in Spanish)
¿Dónde está María? (Where is Maria?)
¿Qué come María en la Plaza Mayor? (What does Maria eat in Plaza Mayor?)
¿Qué hay en el Parque del Retiro? (What is in Retiro Park?)
¿Cómo es el Palacio de Cristal? (How is the Crystal Palace?)
Short Essay Question (Choose one to answer in Spanish, minimum 3 sentences)
Describe tu lugar favorito de la historia. ¿Por qué te gusta? (Describe your favorite place from the story. Why do you like it?)
Si visitaras Madrid, ¿qué lugares te gustaría ver? ¿Por qué? (If you visited Madrid, what places would you like to see? Why?)
Optional Technology Activity (DOK 3)
Create a Digital Postcard from Madrid
Using Google Slides:
Open Google Slides and create a new presentation
Title your first slide "Mi Postal de Madrid" (My Madrid Postcard)
Follow these steps:
Choose a template or background that represents Madrid
Insert appropriate images of Madrid locations mentioned in the story
Add Spanish text describing what you're doing at each location
Include a "Saludos desde Madrid!" message
Add decorative elements to make it look like a real postcard
Share your completed postcard through Google Classroom
Go Beyond
Want to learn more about Madrid? Check out these resources:
Madrid's Official Tourism Website: https://www.esmadrid.com/en
Educational Video about Madrid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IftfIk6KYhk
Virtual Museum Tours: https://www.museodelprado.es/en/virtual-visit
feliz = happy
cielo = sky
sol = sun
plaza = square
grande = big
bonita/hermoso = beautiful
personas = people
restaurantes = restaurants
lago = lake
árboles = trees
edificio = building
maravillosa = wonderful
Grading Rubric
4 (Exceeds Expectations)
Comprehends and responds to all questions with detailed, accurate Spanish sentences
Uses vocabulary beyond the story text appropriately
Creates complete sentences with correct Spanish grammar and spelling
Essay shows creative thinking and personal connections to Madrid
Digital postcard (if chosen) demonstrates exceptional creativity and includes researched information about Madrid beyond the story
All work shows deep understanding of Madrid's culture and city life
3 (Meets Expectations)
Answers all questions correctly in complete Spanish sentences
Uses vocabulary from the story text appropriately
Creates sentences with minor grammatical errors that don't impede understanding
Essay includes required elements with good detail
Digital postcard (if chosen) includes all required elements with correct Spanish text
Work shows good understanding of Madrid's culture and city life
2 (Approaching Expectations)
Answers most questions with basic Spanish sentences
Uses limited vocabulary, mostly from the story
Creates simple sentences with some grammatical errors
Essay is brief but attempts to express ideas in Spanish
Digital postcard (if chosen) includes basic required elements
Work shows basic understanding of Madrid's culture and city life
1 (Below Expectations)
Answers few questions correctly
Uses very limited Spanish vocabulary with major errors
Attempts sentence creation but with significant grammatical issues
Essay is incomplete or mostly incomprehensible
Digital postcard (if chosen) is missing several required elements
Shows minimal understanding of Madrid's culture and city life
0 (No Evidence)
No work submitted
Responses are in English rather than Spanish
Work shows no evidence of comprehension or engagement
Digital postcard not attempted
Shows no understanding of Madrid's culture and city life
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