Spanish School Life - Grammar

 La Vida en el Colegio (Life at School)

Standards Addressed:

  • Communication Standard 1.2: Learner understands and uses basic grammar structures to communicate about school life.

  • Culture Standard 2.1: Learner uses the language to investigate school practices in Spanish-speaking cultures.

  • Connections Standard 3.1: Learner builds and reinforces grammar knowledge while learning about school subjects.

  • Comparisons Standard 4.2: Learner compares school-related expressions between English and Spanish.

Learning Objectives

By the end of this activity, students will be able to:

  • Use present tense verbs related to school activities

  • Apply correct article-noun agreement for school items

  • Form basic sentences about daily school routines

  • Create simple dialogues about school life

Grammar Focus: Present Tense Verbs & School Vocabulary

Common School Verbs:

  • estudiar = to study

  • aprender = to learn

  • escribir = to write

  • leer = to read

  • escuchar = to listen

  • hablar = to speak

Conjugation Pattern: Using "estudiar" as an example:

  • yo estudio = I study

  • tú estudias = you study

  • él/ella estudia = he/she studies

  • nosotros estudiamos = we study

  • vosotros estudiáis = you all study

  • ellos/ellas estudian = they study

School Items with Articles:

  • el libro = the book

  • la mochila = the backpack

  • los cuadernos = the notebooks

  • las carpetas = the folders

Practice Activities

1. Complete the Sentences (Fill in with the correct verb form)

  1. Yo _________ (estudiar) matemáticas.

  2. María _________ (escribir) en su cuaderno.

  3. Nosotros _________ (aprender) español.

  4. Los estudiantes _________ (escuchar) al profesor.

2. Article Practice (Write el, la, los, or las)

  1. _____ lápiz

  2. _____ computadora

  3. _____ estudiantes

  4. _____ pizarra

Short Writing Exercise (Write in Spanish)

Create 3 sentences about your school day using the verbs and vocabulary provided. Example: "Yo estudio matemáticas en la clase."

Optional Technology Activity (DOK 3)

Create a Digital School Vocabulary Guide

Using Google Slides:

  1. Create a new presentation titled "Mi Guía de Gramática Escolar"

  2. Create slides for:

    • School verbs and conjugations

    • School items with articles

    • Example sentences

    • A practice quiz

  3. For each slide:

    • Add images representing the words

    • Create example sentences

    • Include pronunciation guides

    • Add practice exercises

  4. Share your guide through Google Classroom

Go Beyond

Practice more Spanish school vocabulary:



  • estudiar = to study

  • aprender = to learn

  • escribir = to write

  • leer = to read

  • escuchar = to listen

  • hablar = to speak

School Items:

  • libro = book

  • mochila = backpack

  • cuaderno = notebook

  • lápiz = pencil

  • pizarra = board

  • computadora = computer

Grading Rubric

4 (Exceeds Expectations)

  • Uses all verbs correctly with proper conjugations

  • Demonstrates mastery of article-noun agreement

  • Creates complex sentences using multiple vocabulary words

  • Completes all activities with minimal errors

  • Digital guide (if chosen) shows exceptional detail and creativity

  • Shows thorough understanding of Spanish grammar concepts

3 (Meets Expectations)

  • Uses most verbs correctly with proper conjugations

  • Shows good understanding of article-noun agreement

  • Creates complete sentences using vocabulary

  • Completes activities with few errors

  • Digital guide (if chosen) includes all required elements

  • Shows good grasp of basic Spanish grammar

2 (Approaching Expectations)

  • Uses some verbs correctly with some conjugation errors

  • Shows basic understanding of articles

  • Creates simple sentences with some errors

  • Completes most activities

  • Digital guide (if chosen) includes basic information

  • Shows partial understanding of grammar concepts

1 (Below Expectations)

  • Uses few verbs correctly with many errors

  • Shows minimal understanding of articles

  • Creates incomplete or incorrect sentences

  • Completes few activities

  • Digital guide (if chosen) is missing elements

  • Shows limited comprehension of grammar

0 (No Evidence)

  • No work submitted

  • Responses are in English rather than Spanish

  • Shows no understanding of grammar concepts

  • Digital guide not attempted

  • No evidence of engagement with material

