Spanish School Life - History

La Historia de la Educación en España (The History of Education in Spain)

Standards Addressed:

  • Communication Standard 1.2: Learner understands and interprets historical information in Spanish.

  • Culture Standard 2.1: Learner investigates the development of education in Spanish culture.

  • Connections Standard 3.1: Learner builds knowledge of history while using Spanish.

  • Comparisons Standard 4.2: Learner compares educational systems across cultures and time periods.

Learning Objectives

By the end of this activity, students will be able to:

  • Understand key moments in Spanish education history

  • Compare past and present school experiences

  • Use Spanish vocabulary related to education and history

  • Create a timeline of Spanish education


From Past to Present: Spanish Schools Through Time

Did you know that Spanish schools were very different in the past? Let's explore how education in Spain has changed over time!

The Early Days (1800s) In the 1800s, most Spanish children didn't go to school. Only rich families could pay for education. Children usually learned at home or worked with their families. Schools were often just one room with students of all ages together.

Important Changes (1900s) In 1857, Spain made a law saying all children should go to school. This was called the Moyano Law. However, many children still couldn't attend because:

  • They had to work to help their families

  • There weren't enough schools

  • Some places had no teachers

The Big Transformation (1970-1990) In 1970, Spain made big changes to education:

  • All children had to go to school until age 14

  • Girls and boys studied together

  • New subjects were added

  • More schools were built

  • Teachers got better training

Today's Spanish Schools Modern Spanish schools are very different:

  • Students attend from age 6 to 16

  • They learn multiple languages

  • They use computers and technology

  • They have many different subjects

  • Schools have special programs for sports and arts

Comprehension Questions (Answer in Spanish)

  1. ¿Quién podía ir a la escuela en 1800? (Who could go to school in the 1800s?)

  2. ¿Qué ley fue importante en 1857? (What law was important in 1857?)

  3. ¿Hasta qué edad van los estudiantes a la escuela hoy? (Until what age do students go to school today?)

  4. ¿Qué cambió en 1970? (What changed in 1970?)

Short Essay Question (Choose one to answer in Spanish, minimum 3 sentences)

  1. ¿Cómo son diferentes las escuelas de hoy y las del pasado? (How are today's schools different from those in the past?)

  2. ¿Qué cambios en la educación te parecen más importantes? ¿Por qué? (Which changes in education seem most important to you? Why?)

Optional Technology Activity (DOK 3)

Create a Digital Museum of School History

Using Google Sites:

  1. Create a new site titled "Museo de la Educación Española"

  2. Create pages for different time periods:

    • Schools in the 1800s

    • Changes in the 1900s

    • Modern Schools

  3. On each page include:

    • Pictures of schools from that time

    • Descriptions in Spanish

    • Important facts and dates

    • Comparison with schools today

  4. Add a quiz section for visitors

  5. Share your museum through Google Classroom

Go Beyond

Learn more about Spanish education:


  • escuela = school

  • estudiante = student

  • profesor/a = teacher

  • educación = education

  • historia = history

  • pasado = past

  • presente = present

  • ley = law

  • cambios = changes

  • clase = class

  • asignatura = subject

  • obligatorio = mandatory

Grading Rubric

4 (Exceeds Expectations)

  • Shows comprehensive understanding of Spanish education history

  • Uses specific dates and events in responses

  • Creates detailed comparisons between past and present

  • Essay demonstrates thoughtful analysis of educational changes

  • Digital museum (if chosen) shows extensive research and creativity

  • Work reflects understanding of historical significance

3 (Meets Expectations)

  • Shows good understanding of major historical changes

  • Uses appropriate historical vocabulary

  • Makes clear comparisons between time periods

  • Essay shows good comprehension with examples

  • Digital museum (if chosen) includes all required elements

  • Work demonstrates good grasp of educational development

2 (Approaching Expectations)

  • Shows basic understanding of historical changes

  • Uses simple vocabulary with some errors

  • Makes basic comparisons between past and present

  • Essay attempts to express ideas but lacks detail

  • Digital museum (if chosen) includes basic information

  • Work shows partial understanding of concepts

1 (Below Expectations)

  • Shows minimal understanding of history

  • Uses very limited vocabulary with major errors

  • Makes few or incorrect comparisons

  • Essay is brief and lacks understanding

  • Digital museum (if chosen) is missing key elements

  • Shows limited comprehension of material

0 (No Evidence)

  • No work submitted

  • Responses are in English rather than Spanish

  • Shows no understanding of historical concepts

  • Digital museum not attempted

  • No evidence of engagement with material

