La Música en la Escuela (Music in School)
Standards Addressed:
Communication Standard 1.2: Learner understands, interprets, and analyzes what is heard, read, or viewed on a variety of topics.
Culture Standard 2.1: Learner uses the language to investigate, explain, and reflect on the relationship between cultural practices and perspectives.
Connections Standard 3.1: Learner builds, reinforces, and expands knowledge of other disciplines while using Spanish.
Comparisons Standard 4.2: Learner uses Spanish to investigate and reflect on the concept of culture through comparisons of Spanish-speaking cultures and their own.
Learning Objectives: By the end of this activity, students will be able to:
Identify common musical activities in Spanish schools
Understand basic Spanish vocabulary related to music and school activities
Compare musical education in Spanish-speaking countries and their own school
Create a simple musical presentation in Spanish
Article: Music in Spanish Schools
Music education plays an important role in Spanish schools. Most Spanish schools have a dedicated music room called "el aula de música." Students typically have music classes once or twice a week, where they learn about:
Traditional Spanish Music:
Folk songs from different regions
Traditional instruments like the guitar and castañets
Regional dances and rhythms
Modern Music Education:
Basic music theory
Choir singing
Playing simple instruments
Music appreciation
Many Spanish schools also have:
School bands (la banda escolar)
Music clubs (el club de música)
Special performances during holidays
Musical theater productions
Here's a typical Spanish school song that students learn:
"Los Días de la Semana" (The Days of the Week)
Lunes, martes, miércoles y jueves, viernes, sábado y domingo también. Son siete días a la semana, cinco en la escuela y dos en casa bien.
[English Translation] Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday too. These are seven days of the week, Five at school and two at home well spent.
Comprehension Questions (Answer in Spanish):
¿Cómo se llama el salón de música en español? (What is the music room called in Spanish?)
¿Cuántas veces por semana hay clase de música? (How many times per week is there music class?)
¿Qué instrumentos tradicionales aprenden? (What traditional instruments do they learn?)
¿Cuántos días hay en la semana según la canción? (How many days are there in the week according to the song?)
Short Essay Question (Choose one to answer in Spanish, minimum 3 sentences):
¿Cómo es diferente la clase de música en tu escuela y en una escuela española? (How is music class different in your school and in a Spanish school?)
¿Qué tipo de música te gustaría aprender en la clase de español? ¿Por qué? (What type of music would you like to learn in Spanish class? Why?)
Optional Technology Activity (DOK 3): Create Your Own Spanish School Song Presentation
Using Google Slides and Voice Recording:
Open Google Slides and create a new presentation
Title your presentation "Mi Canción Escolar"
Create the following slides:
Title slide with your name and class
Lyrics slide with your own simple Spanish song about school
Pictures representing your song's words
Recording of you singing the song
To record your voice:
Click "Insert" > "Audio"
Record your song using simple Spanish words
Add background music if you wish
Share your presentation through Google Classroom
Go Beyond: Learn more about Spanish school music:
Traditional Spanish Children's Songs:
Spanish Music Education:
School Music Videos:
música = music
canción = song
clase = class
escuela = school
instrumento = instrument
banda = band
coro = choir
guitarra = guitar
cantante = singer
ritmo = rhythm
baile = dance
aula = classroom
días = days
semana = week
Grading Rubric
4 (Exceeds Expectations)
- Comprehension Responses
- Answers all questions with complete, detailed Spanish sentences
- Uses vocabulary from the lesson accurately and creatively
- Shows deep understanding of music in Spanish schools
- Includes additional relevant details beyond what was asked
- Essay Response
- Writes 5+ well-constructed Spanish sentences
- Uses complex vocabulary and proper grammar
- Makes insightful cultural comparisons
- Demonstrates thorough understanding of the topic
- Song Presentation (Optional Activity)
- Creates original, engaging Spanish lyrics about school
- Includes all required slides with creative design
- Recording is clear with proper pronunciation
- Effectively incorporates visual elements
- Goes beyond basic requirements with additional musical elements
3 (Meets Expectations)
- Comprehension Responses
- Answers all questions in complete Spanish sentences
- Uses basic vocabulary correctly
- Shows good understanding of the material
- Provides relevant information
- Essay Response
- Writes 3-4 clear Spanish sentences
- Uses appropriate vocabulary
- Makes basic cultural comparisons
- Shows good grasp of the topic
- Song Presentation (Optional Activity)
- Creates simple Spanish lyrics about school
- Includes all required slides
- Recording is understandable
- Includes appropriate visuals
- Meets all basic requirements
2 (Approaching Expectations)
- Comprehension Responses
- Answers most questions with simple Spanish phrases
- Uses limited vocabulary with some errors
- Shows partial understanding of the material
- Information may be incomplete
- Essay Response
- Writes 2-3 simple Spanish sentences
- Uses basic vocabulary with some errors
- Makes limited cultural comparisons
- Shows basic understanding of the topic
- Song Presentation (Optional Activity)
- Creates very simple or incomplete lyrics
- Missing some required slides
- Recording has pronunciation errors
- Limited visual elements
- Meets some basic requirements
1 (Below Expectations)
- Comprehension Responses
- Answers few questions with single Spanish words
- Uses incorrect vocabulary
- Shows minimal understanding
- Information is largely incorrect or missing
- Essay Response
- Writes 1-2 incomplete Spanish sentences
- Uses very limited vocabulary with major errors
- No cultural comparisons
- Shows little understanding of the topic
- Song Presentation (Optional Activity)
- No original lyrics created
- Missing multiple required slides
- No recording or incomprehensible
- Few or no visual elements
- Meets few requirements
0 (No Evidence)
- No work submitted
- Responses entirely in English
- Shows no understanding of Spanish music education
- No attempt at song presentation
- No evidence of engagement with material
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