Los Huertos Escolares (School Gardens)
Standards Addressed:
Communication Standard 1.2: Learner understands and interprets information about nature and environment in Spanish.
Culture Standard 2.1: Learner investigates environmental practices in Spanish schools.
Connections Standard 3.1: Learner builds knowledge of science and nature while using Spanish.
Comparisons Standard 4.2: Learner compares environmental practices across cultures.
Learning Objectives
By the end of this activity, students will be able to:
Identify common plants in Spanish school gardens
Understand environmental education in Spanish schools
Use Spanish vocabulary related to nature and gardening
Create a plan for a school garden
Green Learning in Spanish Schools
Many Spanish schools have something special: a school garden or "huerto escolar." These gardens are outdoor classrooms where students learn about nature, science, and healthy eating.
What Grows in Spanish School Gardens? Spanish school gardens grow many plants:
Vegetables (Verduras):
Tomatoes (tomates)
Lettuce (lechuga)
Carrots (zanahorias)
Peppers (pimientos)
Herbs (Hierbas):
Basil (albahaca)
Parsley (perejil)
Mint (menta)
Flowers (Flores):
Marigolds (caléndulas)
Sunflowers (girasoles)
Garden Activities Students do many activities in the garden:
Plant seeds (plantar semillas)
Water plants (regar las plantas)
Remove weeds (quitar las malas hierbas)
Harvest vegetables (cosechar verduras)
Study insects (estudiar los insectos)
Learn about composting (aprender sobre el compost)
Environmental Learning The garden helps students learn about:
The plant life cycle
Local ecosystems
Weather and seasons
Healthy eating
Comprehension Questions (Answer in Spanish)
¿Qué es un huerto escolar? (What is a school garden?)
¿Qué verduras crecen en el huerto? (What vegetables grow in the garden?)
¿Qué actividades hacen los estudiantes? (What activities do students do?)
¿Qué aprenden los estudiantes en el huerto? (What do students learn in the garden?)
Short Essay Question (Choose one to answer in Spanish, minimum 3 sentences)
Describe tu planta favorita del huerto escolar. ¿Por qué te gusta? (Describe your favorite plant from the school garden. Why do you like it?)
¿Cómo ayuda el huerto escolar al medio ambiente? (How does the school garden help the environment?)
Optional Technology Activity (DOK 3)
Design a Digital Garden Plan
Using Google Drawings:
Create a new drawing titled "Mi Huerto Escolar"
Design your garden:
Draw garden beds and paths
Label plants in Spanish
Add a weather station area
Include a compost area
Create a planting schedule
Add to your design:
Color coding for different plant types
Plant care instructions in Spanish
Garden tool list
Seasonal planting guide
Share your garden plan through Google Classroom
Go Beyond
Learn more about school gardens:
Spanish School Garden Network: https://www.huertoseducativos.org
Garden Activities Guide: https://www.educacion.navarra.es/huertos-escolares
Environmental Education Resources: https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/educacion-ambiental
huerto = garden
planta = plant
semilla = seed
tierra = soil
regar = to water
crecer = to grow
verduras = vegetables
hierbas = herbs
flores = flowers
insectos = insects
compost = compost
medio ambiente = environment
Grading Rubric
4 (Exceeds Expectations)
Demonstrates comprehensive understanding of school gardens
Uses rich vocabulary related to plants and gardening
Creates detailed responses about environmental concepts
Essay shows deep appreciation for nature and sustainability
Garden plan (if chosen) shows exceptional creativity and research
Work reflects understanding of environmental importance
3 (Meets Expectations)
Shows good understanding of school gardens
Uses appropriate nature vocabulary
Provides accurate information about plants and activities
Essay includes clear explanations with good detail
Garden plan (if chosen) contains all required elements
Work demonstrates good grasp of environmental concepts
2 (Approaching Expectations)
Shows basic understanding of gardens
Uses simple vocabulary with some errors
Includes basic information about plants
Essay attempts to express ideas but lacks detail
Garden plan (if chosen) includes basic information
Work shows partial understanding of concepts
1 (Below Expectations)
Shows minimal understanding of garden concepts
Uses very limited vocabulary with major errors
Information about plants is incomplete
Essay is brief and lacks clear understanding
Garden plan (if chosen) is missing key elements
Shows limited comprehension of material
0 (No Evidence)
No work submitted
Responses are in English rather than Spanish
Shows no understanding of garden concepts
Garden plan not attempted
No evidence of engagement with material
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